The search for Niehaus’ successor
Photo credit: Amelia Nowicki
March 22, 2021
With summer on the horizon — and the end of the 2020-2021 school year — the search for superintendent Dr. Gary Niehaus’ successor is well underway.
Junior Gabe Loper has followed the search closely and stresses the significance that this process will have on shaping our school system for years to come.
“Between student numbers being down, questions about transparency, COVID-19 issues and division amongst the area, the new superintendent has a lot to handle in the future,” Loper said. “Finding the near-perfect person for that role is critical with small room for error.”
On Jan. 25, the school board met and interviewed two firms in assistance for the superintendent search, School Exec Connect and Ray and Associates. The two firms were reviewed by trustees Ahmed Ismail and Margaret Weertz, a subcommittee of the review process, working to ensure efficiency and reflexiveness within the hiring process of the next superintendent.
“Grosse Pointe has a very diverse background,” Loper said. “Socio-economic situations vary between families.”
In the eyes of Loper, the next superintendent must factor in the needs of families and students, see students’ perspectives and be open to student opinions.
“I’m hoping he or she gives the student body a voice to be honest,” Loper said. “We have students with the ability to vote in state and federal elections, but don’t have a voice in their own school’s decisions.”
Loper believes that along with an open mind and open ears, a good superintendent must contain many defining characteristics.
“I expect them to continue listening to the students and the community,” Loper said. “ There’s a lot of different needs and desires that need to be addressed when considering a new superintendent.”