The student news site of Grosse Pointe North High School.                               707 Vernier Rd., Grosse Pointe Woods, MI 48236

North Pointe Now

The student news site of Grosse Pointe North High School.                               707 Vernier Rd., Grosse Pointe Woods, MI 48236

North Pointe Now

The student news site of Grosse Pointe North High School.                               707 Vernier Rd., Grosse Pointe Woods, MI 48236

North Pointe Now

Online Comments Policy

We encourage readers to voice their opinions respectfully in regards to both the readers and writers of the publication. Comments will be pre-moderated, and may be removed if deemed to be in violation of this policy.

Comments should remain on topic, concerning the article they are about. Brevity is encouraged. Posting under a pseudonym is not permitted.

A comment will be deleted if:

  • The comment attacks a named or identified person or group unreasonably;
  • The comment makes readers unreasonably uncomfortable on the basis of one?s race, gender, religion, disability, ethnicity, sexual orientation or otherwise.
  • The comment attacks any school employee personally.
  • The comment contains excessive obscenities or sexual explicitness.

Social media will be used to promote the media produced, to promote published content and to engage the college community. Social media is supervised by the website managing editor.

The Editorial Board reserves the right to remove comments that violate any provisions hitherto outlined by this policy.

Information posted on social media platforms is held to the same standard as all other reporting in terms of information gathering and fact checking.