Full house: back at full capacity after a year
Social studies teacher Bridget Cooley believes students may struggle with the changes throughout their day. “I worry most about students that don’t feel comfortable coming back,” Cooley said.
March 22, 2021
Despite many doubts that it would work, the hybrid schedule was mostly successful, but many think that the school board is being even more optimistic by bringing back students full time.
This means that everyone will be back in the building for all 7 classes from 8:00 am to 3:05 p.m., except f0r students enrolled in OneGP Virtual.
History teacher Bridget Cooley feels that it may be tough to adjust again to the schedule that students or teachers have not used for a full year.
“I think it will be a huge adjustment for everyone, both intellectually and socially. We’ve all changed over the last year. Will we need to build up our academic stamina, our resilience, and social skills,” Cooley said.
Most adjustments made to the schedule were minor. The main change revolves around lunch.
During the hybrid schedule, lunch for Cohort A was after the students got out of school, because they were the morning group. Lunch for Cohort B was before they came to school because classes started after Cohort A departed from the school to decrease possible traffic and contact between students.
The new lunch schedule is more of a change than anything between the hybrid and full time schedule because the new format has 3 different lunch groups in order to fit all of the students safely in the lunchroom. Early lunch begins at 10:45 a.m., middle lunch begins at 11:15 a.m and late lunch begins at 11:45 a.m..
Aside from the lunch schedule changing, there will also be an adjustment that has to be made regarding how teachers will address the social distancing aspect inside of the classroom.
Some teachers have less space in their classrooms and some classes may contain a lot of students given the limited space that they have. The main problem may be trying to successfully socially distance students in a class that’s smaller than other classrooms. Another issue some teachers face is getting back into what used to be considered normal for them.
“I’ve had to change everything about how I teach. I usually have students do lots of interactive group activities where we share resources, use whiteboards and move around my classroom,” Cooley said.