Lots of U.S. citizens tend to travel nationally for vacation every year, but I believe that more people should travel internationally to have the opportunity to see and explore new things. According to yougov, only 43% of Americans have a passport to travel outside of the country. Not being able to travel out of the country means you’re missing out on the opportunity to learn about the rest of the world. After I had the opportunity to travel to Costa Rica, it made me realize that there is so much more to learn about on this earth. It was exciting for me to adapt to new languages and see new landmarks since we don’t have everything in the U.S.
Flying internationally means you have to make it through customs when entering in from another country. This is a simple task to go through but as I learned from traveling, it can sometimes take hours and hours depending on how many people are going through at the time. For Costa Rica, the flight took a total of seven hours of flying time, but luckily there was plenty of food available on the flights. Flying from Detroit International Airport didn’t allow us to fly straight to Costa Rica, so we needed a connecting flight which was in Atlanta.
Traveling outside of the U.S. is so much different than traveling within. For instance, driving is very different in every other country that uses Kilometers, so using navigation and making sure to travel at the right speed was a little difficult.
Traveling so much also was able to let me view things you are able to see in different countries. The views and animals are vastly different in other parts of the world, especially in Costa Rica with wild horses and having to

keep an eye out for dangerous snakes. Experiencing the vision to see all of these amazing creatures and views from mountain tops is something that I believe everyone should have the opportunity to see.
These opportunities are why I think it is important to travel out of the country, so you’re able to see new things, learn new cultures, and even have the experience of traveling from one country to the other. Leaving the country comes back to needing a passport which can be a simple process of going to your local post office and going through their simple steps with the cost of $130 dollars.