For nearly 40 years, one of North’s many fundraisers, Adopt-a-Family, has enabled students and staff to not only help the community of Grosse Pointe but also immerse themselves in the season of giving. Each holiday season, classrooms provide families in need with help with countless gifts specifically picked out for each child.
Throughout the decades that North has participated in Adopt-a-Family, it has evolved from just classes at North to a combination of both North and South schools. Student Association adviser Jonathan Byrne has also found ways to incorporate clubs, classes, and even some small businesses into the Adopt-a-Family tradition.
“I think the greatest way that we’ve evolved the most is we’ve started to include other really talented students in the process,” Byrne said. “This year, all of the fashion and fabrics students made homemade blankets for every family, and they also made stockings for each one of the children. They also provided gingerbread houses for the families to build together.”
Each year every third hour class is able to decide whether or not they would like to participate in Adopt-a-Family. Science Teacher Christopher Trepanowski agreed to facilitate his third hour and oversee the process for their class this holiday season. The students within his hour are excited to participate and share the generosity with another family in need that they have always felt within our community.
“I think just being the time of year and students again, being fortunate and grateful for what they have, they want to give back to the community and share the love with others around them,” Trepanowski said.
Participating in Trepanowskiâs third hour Adopt-a-Family fundraiser this year is senior Brooke Thomas who is embracing the opportunity to give back to those in need. This year, Thomas donated funds to the students in the class going out to shop for gifts in hopes of making an impact on her local community. Her generosity highlights her commitment to giving back to others and the empathy that she shares towards her community.
“It makes me excited that I’m able to personally help and I’m just glad to have the opportunity to do it,” Thomas said.
The process of Adopt-a-Family is certainly unpredictable. Byrne trusts students and staff to execute the process of adopting a family in a timely manner including shopping, gift wrapping and delivery. Aside from the uncertainty, when the process is finished, students and staff are able to know they made a difference in multiple family’s lives.
“Watching the students pull out of the parking lot is one of my favorite few moments every school year,” Byrne said. “Watching them give back and help others that need help is really rewarding.”
WRAPPING IT UP | Contributing to her third hour class, Adopt-a-Family fundraiser, senior Brooke Thomas has enjoyed seeing her peers come together and provide presents, as well as basic necessities, for a family in need. This holiday cheer is seen not only in Thomas’s class but in many third hour classes. “It’s nice to see people helping others out, especially in the school and seeing teenagers help out other families when they can,” Thomas said.