Girls varsity volleyball with Charlotte Julien

Varsity volleyball captain Charlotte Julien thinks the team’s chemistry is unstoppable this volleyball season. In past years, the team has been made up of mostly seniors, but this year it is mostly underclassmen. Although this may seem like the chemistry could crumble, it’s actually brought them closer than years prior.
This year, the team has created a sense of community on and off the court. Julien points out that the drive from all the girls this season shows their determination to have a successful year.
“We are working hard in practice as well as conditioning, which is why we have been improving every game,” Julien said. “Overall we have had a strong start effort and attitude wise, which will hopefully begin translating to more wins.”
Julien attributes the team’s positive results to their strong bonds. Supporting one another has been a huge part of their success this season.
“I think the team has had success this year because of the attitudes and relationships we have with one another,” Julien said. “Everyone wants to win and we are all willing to push each other to achieve that success.”

Boys varsity soccer with Matthew Robert
Varsity soccer team captain Mathew Robert thinks that the team has been performing well, especially with their win over Fraser who is a league above North. The team has six wins thus far, making them stronger than last season. This season has also brought in new players who help create new opportunities and memories.
By focusing on teamwork, Robert wants to keep the team locked in and focused to create the best opportunities.
“My goals include improving as a collective unit and going as far as possible in the playoffs,” Robert said.
The players have been learning to adapt to new positions and play styles while others recuperate from injuries. As the team navigates these issues, their flexibility remains strong to have the best season possible.
“The hardest part has been managing injuries within the team,” Robert said. “Many players have gotten injured causing players to play in positions they may not be used to.”