Lets get chatting: The pros and cons of Chat GPT

Photo credit: Sofia Gauldoni
March 23, 2023
For some students to start writing an essay, the first step they will take is to plan and research. However, this may not be the case in the future with the development of Chat GPT. Chat GPT is an AI program that allows computers to create human-like responses. When you open the program a text box appears, you type your question and it generates a response using information from its database. With more people becoming aware of Chat GPT, students including sophomore Caleb Kosel have started to explore and utilize the resource.
“I mostly use Chat GPT to mess around with the program because it has so much potential,” Kosel said. “Asking it questions, giving it a story prompt, seeing if it can figure out some really complicated things, the list goes on.”
Using Chat GPT as a resource, teachers can create lesson plans and students can create examples for school work or essays, but according to Spanish teacher Mandolyn Grattan it can also be used negatively, with the potential for cheating in school by students using Chat GPT write essays and do schoolwork for them.
“ I do think students, yes could theoretically write an essay using chat GPT but I think that depending on how we as educators grow and learn and adapt with our students, I think we can help students use it as a tool and see it as a resource,” Gratten said.
Chat GPT can be utilized in so many ways to supplement our writing. But in the end, the writing we as humans do will likely be far superior to the AI’s writing which is part of what makes Chat GPT an amazing resource, according to Grattan.
“I think that what kind of separates us from Chat GPT as humans is that we are so creative and we are able to synthesize things in a different way,” Grattan said. “We are able to bounce ideas off one another and use those collective experiences and reach into what’s happening now.”