KNOTS sponsors second-ever RAKWEEK
Photo credit: Christine Kuhl
Kids Need Opportunities To Socialize (KNOTS) brings awareness to doing Random Acts of Kindness this week.
February 14, 2017
The bright orange showcase by the counseling office that Kids Need Opportunities To Socialize (KNOTS) faculty leader Christine Kuhl constructed marks the beginning of Random Acts of Kindness Week (RAKWEEK). Although hundreds of students walk past this board every day, its significance may not be fully understood.
RAKWEEK was created by the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation. Every February, the foundation dedicates a week to the movement. Its purpose is to focus on doing Random Acts of Kindness throughout the week to show support for one another.
KNOTS is sponsoring the week-long event. KNOTS faculty leader Christine Kuhl was especially keen on spreading awareness of RAKWEEK because of the potential ripple effect it could have on students. Even if a few students commit random acts of kindness, their impact could reach more people.
This is the second year that KNOTS has sponsored the event. However the foundation implemented RAKWEEK in 1995 and established World RAK Day in 2004. Last year students who were involved wrote their RAKs on hearts that were posted on the Union windows.
Another main aspect of the campaign stresses on the idea that no act of kindness is too small. According to Kuhl, a RAK can be any humble gesture, such as holding a door open for someone, sending a kind text, telling a family member or friend you love them or even using reusable water bottles. Students are encouraged to do anything that creates a positive impact.
Kuhl said that KNOTS volunteers are involved in the movement every day when they work with special needs students.
“(KNOTS volunteers) give (up) their time and themselves to make students with special needs feel more a part of GPN and included in the culture and social events here,” Kuhl said via email. “It may seem small to some people, but to our students with special needs and their families, their kindness means the world to them. KNOTS promote kindness everyday at North and we want to spread the joy of kindness with an even larger group. Kindness feels good and the smallest act can make a huge impact on our school as whole. KNOTS wants to be a part of that.”
Kuhl and her fellow KNOTS members hope to send the message that it is okay to step forward and be kind to others.
“We hope we bring awareness of that fact that kindness is cool. It is cool to give of yourself and contribute to your community in a positive way,” Kuhl said. “Sometimes, it seems teenagers receive the wrong message that negativity, drama and bad choices are the way to gain stature, but this is totally untrue and the opposite is actually true. When you start to give back you realize, although your intention was to help others, you truly help yourself because of how good it makes you feel.”
If you are interested in partaking in the movement, use the corresponding hashtag, #RAKweek2017 to spread awareness and share your RAK this week.