Innovations Classroom adds extension for iStudy courses
Photo credit: Sean McCarroll
March 7, 2017
Originally created for the iDesign class, the newest addition to the Innovation Lab, the Makershop, gives students the opportunity to experiment with their prototypes in an open environment.
The goal is for students to create prototypes of their inventions and test if they will work successfully. Students can experiment as they go, while removing or changing any characteristics of their project that they dislike.
“We do a lot of prototyping (in iDesign) and it’s meant to be fast prototyping, called iterative design and we’re supposed to do it really fast,” said social studies teacher Sean McCarroll, who also teaches various subjects in iStudies in the Innovative Lab. “We can test it before we go on and spend a lot of time and money for big projects. So, that room is like the grocery store of items we can use to make stuff.”
The Makershop includes a variety of resources that students can use to create and improve their prototypes and inventions. There is a wide variety of materials at their disposal, such as craft supplies, electrical components like wires, textured materials like cardboard and foam, and tools, pulleys and many others.
Isis Washington, a freshman in iDesign, enjoys the class and the creative tasks that students are given. She has visited the shop already and is excited to be able to use it.
“It is a very nice addition to the class and I’m very excited to begin working with it,” Washington said. “I’m looking forward to just being able to create what I want based on the materials supplied, and the prototyping challenges we do in class.”
Sophomore Nate Trust, who is a current iTech student, is happy about the new addition because he feels that the interactive approach will be more productive for students.
“I’m happy it was built. It’s 10 times better than a normal computer class and it’s more hands-on and I feel like students will learn better that way,” Trust said. “At least for me, hands-on learning is a lot better than, ‘okay you’re going to click on this program and go to options and this and this,’ and so I’m hoping along with me it will help others learn better through the actual activities.”