Honors choir finalists advance to all-state auditions
Junior Clarissa Kam, senior Josh Lupo and junior Gowri Yerramalli hold up their awards. Photo provided by GPNChoirs Twitter.
December 10, 2015
Every year North sends at least one choir student all the way to state honors choir. This year, however, all three students who auditioned from North made the cut and will be performing in Grand Rapids this January to see if they will be able to make it to the all-states choir.
Junior Clarissa Kam will attend states and has already performed at the regional level.
“I’m excited to go because I really want to learn how to be better and stand on the stage with all of these other great musicians,” Kam said. “It was a thrilling experience the first time because everyone is just like you and they are so excited and pumped to be singing and everything.”
The first step for a choir student who wants to be involved with the Michigan Association of Vocal Music’s (MSVMA) program is to audition for honors choir. Any student who wants to audition is welcome. Each student has to memorize the same piece of music, then record a video of themselves singing the song a capella, which is singing without any instruments.
“Every piece presents a different level of challenge for the singers which is part of why the directors choose those pieces,” choir teacher Ben Henri said. “They want to challenge the singers in different ways.”
Afterwards, students receive an email saying if they will move on to the next level, which is regional honors choir. There, they are required to memorize another three pieces of music then to audition in person with the judges. Students can then advance to state honors choir and are sorted in three categories: SSAA (soprano soprano alto alto), TTBB (tenor tenor bass bass) or an SATB (men’s and women’s combined).
At all-states choir, all the top singers from every state will be there competing against each other.
“I made it all the way to all-states last year and then the year before that I made it to regionals, but I got sick so I didn’t make it any farther than that,” senior and state choir finalist Josh Lupo said. “I’m very excited. It’s an amazing opportunity, I love it every year.”