Does Logan Paul deserve redemption?

By Erin Kaled, Web Editor

Logan Paul, the disgraced youtuber has finally made his return to social media. After three weeks of radio silence, Paul returns with a video about suicide prevention and an interview with ‘Good Morning America.’ A month ago, Paul walked into the Aokigahara forest, also known as Japan’s ‘suicide forest’ and vlogged a victim of suicide hanging from a tree. In the video, Paul seems to not know how to act or what to say, and his friends are making light of the situation.

In less than 24 hours, the video had over six million views.

The backlash to Paul’s video was instant. Google preferred to cut ties with him, his show was canceled, and his new Youtube Red movie was put on hold. Paul first released an apology on the notes app on his phone, then posted a video regarding the vlog. Three weeks later he released a video titled Suicide: Be here tomorrow. The vlog was focused on suicide survivors and what we can do to prevent the growing problem.   

When somebody has done a wrong, how much criticism should one face before the point gets across? Yes, there are some wrongs that cannot be undone, and the people are unapologetic about it. Logan Paul however, has apologized and posted multiple videos explaining how he deserved the criticism he’s been receiving. As a 22-year-old kid, he’s still young. Paul did a horribly dumb thing and deserves to learn from his mistake.  Not only did it cost him lots of money, but it cost him fans as well. Paul is finally learning how much of an impact he has on his fan base and social media.

For the people who are still sending hateful messages and telling him to go kill himself, just unfollow him. Block his posts from coming up on your timeline, ignore the media around him. It’s obvious he’s not going away, most of  his fanbase is still very much behind him.

Everybody has their own opinion on somebody, but sending hateful messages isn’t going to help anybody. I don’t respect Logan Paul, but I respect the fact that he’s making this situation a learning experience and trying to change the world for the better. His whole Tokyo trip should’ve never happened, he was disrespectful in ways that he thought was “comedy” and was actually offensive. In the end though, Paul seems to be learning from his mistakes and realizing that what you post on the internet will last forever and have an impact.

Like he said in his ‘Good Morning America’ interview this morning, I believe he’s a good guy who made a bad decision to upload that video. But this situation for him was a much needed learning experience.