Walk to promote unity, solidarity in Grosse Pointe
Photo credit: We GP
The flyer for the Walk for Peace, sponsored by We GP, that will take place on Saturday Jan. 21
January 18, 2017
After the presidential election, We GP, which is short for Welcoming Everyone Grosse Pointe, created a Grosse Pointe Walk for Peace in hopes of unifying the Grosse Pointes. The walk will occur Saturday, Jan. 21 from 4:30-7:30 p.m. It will begin at Cadieux and Kercheval and will end at Wayburn and Kercheval with a short program at 6:30 p.m.
According to Caroline Marks, a We GP steering committee member, We GP is a community-based organization ran by volunteers. They are committed to resisting any erosion of civil and human rights, and to promoting local, state and national policy and legislation that are in line with their guiding principles that include rights for everyone, affordable health care and caring for the environment.
We GP decided to create this event to reunify the community after the election and to represent their principles.
“Our goal is to promote solidarity, unity and understanding and to bring our community together through a commitment to protect the civil rights of all,” Marks said via email.
Senior Stephanie Roy noticed the divide in the community and plans on attending the walk to help solve this problem.
“I just saw how much tension there was, especially on social media and at school with people having different opinions on the election and results,” Roy said. “I thought it would be a good way to bring our community back together because everyone is kind of on different sides.”
The idea to create the walk began in November 2016 and was inspired by other marches, like the Women’s March in Washington, D.C., and wanted to create something similar locally.
“While we know some of these marches are seen as a protest against the results of the presidential election, we are more interested in promoting unity within our community and to offer a chance for healing for the many members of our community who were left unsettled by the divisive election season.” Marks said.
We GP hopes anyone who is interested in promoting unity and protecting civil rights within our community will join the event.
“This will signify as a healing moment for many in the community and as a stepping stone as we move forward as a united community, bonded by our guiding principles and commitment to protecting everyone’s civil rights,” Marks said.