Inspired by his history teacher, Mr. Maynard, who recognized his passion for Black history, senior Andrew Bernard has risen to
leadership as the president of the Black Student Alliance. BSA is a club where students talk about current events and connect them to history through a Black lens.
Every week Bernard holds meetings in room B239 for current club members and newcomers in hopes of getting more people involved in the club. Bernard has been striving to expand the club’s influence within North, with the ultimate goal of reaching beyond its walls.
“My sophomore year, Mr Maynard, my APUSH teacher, introduced me to the club because he saw how passionate I was about Black history,” Bernard said. “The club didn’t meet too often so my goal was to attend every meeting and also try to convince the leaders to run more meetings. Last year we had a very successful year with me meeting almost every single week that I could. We did a bunch of other events and the club has become one of the most important things to me and now I am the president.”
As Bernard emphasizes his desire to expand the participation for BSA, he wants to make it clear that everyone is welcome.

“We just want more people to come,” Bernard said. “BSA is open to everyone, even teachers, so everyone can come. We just want to make sure the club is big and works towards its goal of educating people.”
With February being Black History Month, Bernard wants to ensure that they get as much meeting time as possible. Bernard hopes to boost BSA with more engaging activities.
“I prefer to meet as many times as I can this month,” Bernard said. “Last week luckily we got an extra Thursday with leap year day. I hope to meet two times a week and do our regular fun activities. We like to do trivia and I hope to do something outside of North.”
Beyond North, Bernard wants to continue his passion for BSA by being involved with any opportunities that are available in his future.
“My goal is if I decide to go to college, immediately join any Black Student Alliance if they have it,” Bernard said. “I am perfectly okay with not being in a leadership position. My goal at the end of the day is to learn and I am able to do that while being a leader and a participant.
What is your favorite clothing brand?
Who is your favorite celebrity?
Lebron James
What is a fun fact about yourself?
I play viola
What emoji represents you the most?
The crown
What is your favorite childhood movie?
“The Incredibles”
Where is your dream vacation?
Los Angeles
What is your favorite song?
Lovefool, by: The Cardigans
What is your favorite show? “The Boys”
What is your favorite animal?
White Tiger
What is your favorite season?