Senior season: what to expect in the coming weeks
Photo credit: Class of 2021 Student Council
May 5, 2021
With a little less than a month until prom and graduation, the class of 2021 is on a downhill sprint to the red tape. Senior class president Chris Marshall has led the student council in coordinating and planning upcoming senior events.
“Right now it is the student council’s priority to make these last few weeks as memorable as possible,” Marshall said. “We have been working hard trying to come up with fun ideas that no senior class has done before.”
Spirit week typically occurs during the fall season in the week leading up to homecoming. However, since the first semester was spent online, the week of May 17-21 has been added as Senior Spirit Week for graduating seniors. During this week, the seniors will wear their class shirts from each school year, and Toga Day will be held on that Friday. Following spirit week, prom will be held May 22 at Mac & Ray’s.
Senior class advisor Kristen Lee released the details about prom via email on April 23 — the event will be held from 6-9 pm and dinner will be included along with music and other activities.
“Dancing isn’t an option, (but) we have multiple ideas on fun entertainment activities that we would do,” Marshall said.
Tickets will be sold for $60 during early, middle and late lunches starting the first week of May. Only the class of 2021 is allowed to attend and guests are not permitted to come. Although prom will be vastly different this year, Marshall has high hopes for closing out the year and making the final weeks left in the year special.
“I want our senior class to be the most memorable, and for students to look back and think about how much fun it was, even with the pandemic,” Marshall said.
Parent club member Paula Cardinale has devoted hours to making these last few weeks special for seniors and aims to provide a positive experience.
“I can say without a doubt that these last days of school for seniors really do need to be special and memorable,” Cardinale said.
Cardinale helped tremendously in the planning of the Senior All-Night party — which will be held at First English Evangelical Lutheran Church — and also can be credited for designing the class of 2021 lawn signs. Cardinale and the parent club are working diligently so that more events will be planned for the senior class.
“Efforts are underway to hold activities such as Bike Day, possibly Toga Day and hopefully more, with keeping to the current safety standards,” Cardinale said.
Toga Day is scheduled for May 21 and Bike day is set to occur the following Friday, May 28. The week following spirit week is a traditional senior week. During this time, seniors will pick up their caps and gowns from the Student Union, and will be offered breakfast to “Grab and Go,” May 27.
“Traditions are important, but making new traditions can be just as memorable as the old,” Cardinale said.