Science teacher runs Boston Marathon despite postponement
Over 50 runners joined Michaels in her race through quarantine. “I was so inspired by everyone who ran with me,” Micheals said.
May 8, 2020
When the Boston Marathon got postponed due to COVID-19, science teacher Elizabeth Michaels decided she was still going to run the race on April 20th. She ran two miles every hour for 13 hours, finishing with an overall time of 3 hours and 39 minutes.
Michaels has been training for a year and a half and was nervous going into it.
“I qualified for the Boston Marathon in January of 2019, so I’ve had this date on my calendar for about a year and a half,” Michaels said. “I started training seriously about three months ago, but I was still only running about three times a week.”
Michaels said she gained motivation and encouragement from people signing up to run at the same time as her throughout the day. Students, teachers, and counselors signed up for time slots to run two miles in support of her. Almost 50 people ran with her, including English teacher Kristen Alles, Counselor Kimberly Deptula, and Sophomore Danielle Lubienski.
Michaels said she was inspired by everyone who ran for her, and grateful for the time they took to support her.
“I always dedicate miles to people I am grateful for during races,” Michaels said. “It is just cool that they will know who they are this time.”
Senior Sarah Seagram was one person who was inspired to run by Michaels. Seagram ran one mile each hour that Michaels ran two, totaling a half marathon. She, like Michaels, found motivation and inspiration in the people who supported her.
“What helped motivate me was that Michaels and I texted between each mile,” Seagram said. “My mom, dad, and brother biked alongside me while I did, which helped a lot.”
Michaels said she appreciated the motivation from all those who signed up, and she was happy to use running as a way to get her mind off of the stress of the national pandemic.
“The best part was hearing from all the people who were running with me all day. I asked them to send me a picture of themselves when they finished their runs,” Michaels said. “Sharing the runner’s high with people for 13 hours in the middle of a pandemic was a really nice break from reality.”