How to: Start your own student business

Photo credit: Troy Lipscomb
December 8, 2022
Starting your own business can be very challenging, as it is difficult to manage and work for your own company. However, it can also be very rewarding. In 2017, I started my own landscaping business. Since then I have built my company up so that I was able to get myself a sweet pair of wheels. Responsibility is key for almost everything that comes with managing your own business, especially when it comes to communicating with a client and making a schedule that fits both your school work and your business requirements.
As I have learned, scheduling is one of the most difficult things when it comes to running a business. To divide my time in a way that allows me to complete my school work and attend to all my clients, I always create more time in my schedule than needed, so that if any problems come up, including an overload of homework or emergency client needs, I can find a solution. With that being said, problem solving is another skill that is very important when operating a business.
Staying humble is another key to success when starting a business. Some people, when they reach the peak of their own business, decide to go out and buy flashy things to show off. Sure, it might make them look cool, but it is also a waste of money. Instead, a portion of the money that you make should be reinvested and put toward resources that will make your company function more efficiently. I have always reinvested in my business by buying better equipment, using better materials on the job, and hiring employees to help with bigger jobs. I will never regret reinvesting back into my business because I know I can only benefit from my investments, and I have not wasted my money. I have also been able to use software that helps with scheduling and billing, making my landscaping process more efficient.
As a student business owner myself, I have come a long way and hit many bumps in the road. However, I have found a way past each of my difficulties. I wouldn’t be where I am today if I hadn’t found a way to create a schedule and learned lessons in problem solving and spending. Starting your own business is definitely something that you should consider.